
Kivi is a javascript (TypeScript) library for building web user interfaces. It provides Virtual DOM API for DOM manipulations, Components, and Scheduler tightly integrated with Components. It doesn't have a router, or anything that is related to application state, kivi is just a view library.

Virtual DOM in kivi is just another API for DOM manipulations and can be used side by side with direct DOM manipulations.


Simple application with a component that prints "Hello World".

import {ComponentDescriptor, injectComponent} from "kivi";

const Main = new ComponentDescriptor()
  .update((c, props) => {
    c.sync(c.createVRoot().child(`Hello ${}`));

injectComponent(Main, document.body, {name: "World"});


Kivi has one of the fastest Virtual DOM implementations, it was designed from the ground up with high performance in mind.
