Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM simplifies the way to manage DOM mutations, just describe how your component should look at any point in time and Virtual DOM reconciliation algorithm will make all necessary DOM operations to update component representation in a most efficient way.

The basic Virtual DOM API that kivi provides is enough for most use cases. But when it isn't enough, kivi has many advanced tools that can reduce Virtual DOM diffing overhead, and it will be quite hard to beat its performance without reimplementing similar algorithms.

Creating Virtual DOM Nodes

Kivi has several simple functions to create virtual nodes:

// Creates a virtual node representing a HTML Element.
function createVElement(tagName: string): VNode;

// Creates a virtual node representing a SVG Element.
function createVSvgElement(tagName: string): VNode;

// Creates a virtual node representing a Text Node.
function createVText(content: string): VNode;

Setting VNode properties

Virtual node instance has many different methods to set properties, all property methods support method chaining. For example:

const e = createVElement("a")
    "href": "localhost",
    "title": "Link to localhost",
  .child("Link to localhost");

List of basic properties:

VNode.attrs(attrs: {[key: string]: any}): VNode;
VNode.props(props: {[key: string]: any}): VNode; string): VNode;
VNode.className(className: string): VNode;
VNode.children(children: VNode[] | null): VNode;
VNode.child(child: VNode | string | null): VNode;

Using keys to preserve identity

To prevent from losing internal state of DOM elements and components, we should track nodes by some property. Virtual DOM reconciliation algorithm is using key property to find virtual nodes representing the same DOM node from the previous render.

To enable tracking by keys, children property should be assigned with VNode.trackByKeyChildren(children) method. Each child should have a key property and it should be unique among its siblings. For example:

const container = createVElement("div")

To learn more about kivi children reconciliation algorithm, read the comment in the source code, it explains how kivi is able to find minimum number of DOM operations. This algorithm is highly optimized and runs really fast in most real world use cases, see uibench benchmark to find out how kivi handles different use cases.